Monday, 6 February 2012


To all my favorite lovelys!

7 days to goooo! Macaroni!

Its going to be a jam packed last 7 days, but take it day by day, the butterflies are like a feeling, Ive never felt before, Its the sense of an experience that I know will take my breath away.

Today we met with Liz, a former intern from Women for Change in Lusaka and gave us an idea what to expect when we arrive in Lusaka, and what its like to partner with an NGO. Liz was great for giving us the highs and lows and how important it is to take care of your mental health, She said the poverty is so distinct, there is the upper class and they have no problems, and the massive lower class. There is no in between classes like there is in Canada. She said to be prepared to deal with the poverty and especially the children in poverty, I can only imagine at this point what this feeling feels like. It is very important to have an outlet for this sadness, It is also important to note, that Africa is not all sadness and a country of resillence and beauty.

We also did some career planning and how to transition into Canada upon completion of the internship, Every single resource person that has come in and spoke to us, has said that coming home is the hardest part. Africa changes people, and people dont want to know how Africa was, You will have a conversation and someone will ask "So how was Africa?" and You'll say "Amazing" and the conversation will most likely end there. How do you begin to tell someone all the things your eyes have seen.

Tomorrow (Feb.6/12) We are meeting all day in the office, to have a Zambia resource person in and ask final questions and having a skype date with the NGO's. Our boss says they are super excited to have us, not as excited as us I bet! Then in the evening we are heading to T'Sou-ke nation for a goodbye feast.

Every day is a new opportunity for learning and am going to soak up and absorb as much as I can. 7 Days left and there jam packed! Everything is on such a fast pace and I love it!! Thanks for reading. Absolutely makes my day when someone reads my blog :)


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