Friday, 20 January 2012

Conservation Work Shops

To all my favorite lovelys!

I apologize in advance, I know this entry is going to be so long. Today was such an exciting day! So much to tell. Im like doing cartwheels im soooooo excited!

So this morning we met for session down at the T'Souke Hall, and we started the day with amazing conservation workshop led by Angie, with the T'Souke Smart Energy Group. This was great because it is applicable to applying back in the Samson Community as well as in Zambia. Angie talked about how the small community of T'Souke has taken a vow to become a more conservative community within the solar panel project. Angie has done workshops with youth in conservation of energy. Her focus group is ages 6-12. She has done things like eco treasure hunts, toy solar car races, earthday star fish stories, and camping nights. Each excercise involves teaching youth to take a more active approach to being more energy efficient. After the whole excercise is done, each youth writes a promise to "turn off the lights after they leave the room" or which ever they thought was important to saving energy.

This was my favorite, Angie did an elders workshop to see how elders can improve on their energy consumption. Angie attempted to run the powerpoint but seriously could not get through all the slides because the elders talked so much and had so many stories to tell....."back in my day....." you get the picture :) Eventually when Angie got through the slides, they played Earth Bingo! How great is that!!

BC has this amazing program that I absolutely loved, Each family on Social Assistance has an Energy Saving Kit where it is free, it involves low flow shower heads, and energy saving light switches etc. Approximately a $75.00 value, This is great on reserves where most of the population is on a fixed income, saving energy is important for obvious reasons. I understand this is difficult when you have very high numbers of people living in one home. I beleive Alberta should think of adopting this process especially on reserves. This would be something I would like to bring to Samson upon returning to Canada.

I know myself personally, I took a vow to reduce the time I spend in the shower and stop using phantom power. :) If kids and grandparents can reduce their energy consumption, So can I. This is great to cut down now, this slowly prepares us for the reality of Africa where we may be lucky to get power for an hour of the day. Thats if were lucky.

One of my ideas is to maybe start a youth symposium for my community and do the same type of work. Angies ideas insprired me so much. I took down so much information that I would like to use for my lesson plans when I become a teacher and I would like to keep in touch with Angie to use these ideas in my community to make Samson Cree Nation a better place. Angie said, that the budget to keep the program going is almost free, everything needed to host a workshop is completely free, recyclable, or eco.

Angie, also runs the community compost program where many members of the community compost and each week (same day as garbage day) the compost is picked up and taken to the ladybug garden and is further composted into feritilizer. Each process T`Souke Nation takes to becoming completely sustainable just wowes the pants off me. I want to bring so much of this knowledge home and implement. I know we have a great community and can acheive similar results.

I have a few links I`d like you all to check out!! Matt told me about 8th Fire. Not sure if you have all heard about it. I guess it has some amazing feedback and is on CBC I beleive. Everyone is raving about it on my facebook.

Also....for a good chuckle,

If you`ve been hearing about this Enbridge Gateway Project in the papers and don`t fully understand what is going on. This short clip completely moved me.
I really didnt like how this is going to hurt the whales and the black bears with rare white fur (sad face)

Also, this young girl is making it big and I always support Aboriginal Youth being positive role models for other youth. Just kinda sending her link to you,

In the afternoon session, we did a workshop on digital story telling so hopefully my blogs get a little more exciting as I figure some more technology stuff on this cool blog. Also last but not least. Just want to thank you all for reading. :) Always makes my day to know at least one person checked in :) All this would not be possible without you reading up on my adventures! Thanks. Love and Miss you all at home. Xoxo

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